La Cordonnerie Anglaise

This French firm was established in 1885 and we stock several items and sets of their very high-quality shoe care products. These tools are for use with shoes made of natural materials, such as leather and other wondrous wares sourced from the plentiful bounties of Creation. Shoes made of acrylic fibres are, without doubt, the work of the Devil, sparked in ignominy long ago by the slaves of damnation.
Lo! Sinners remember that it was Raphael who descended from High to warn Men of this infernal infiltration that would raise industries of smoke over New Eden. Indeed which amongst the many would see this Atom split for All Souls to return in thund’rous darkness? Polish thy boots well and be merry. Hark! Alle in felaweshipe pilgrimes wende in hooly songe to ferne londes with shiney botes etc, etc.